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As one of the oldest independent shops left in the town (One of the last creaky floorboard type), this has to be one of the few places where you can still buy half a dozen nails or screws. there are so many things to look at, and you can actually touch them all! Unlike many reports recently seen in the press, this shop is currently changing hands to a young couple (Chris & Kate) who intend to continue this family business as the friendly family shop, just as it has done for the last 148 years, as a Ironmongers / Model shop. Yes there are bound to be one or two changes taking place to ensure that they remain not only competitive, but also continue to provide help and advice on all our Hardware and Model needs. there appears to be a lot of new ideas being considered for the future, and I think we owe it to the town to support these lovely people in their quest to retain this piece of Bedford's heritage for years to come. Well done Chris and Kate, and a huge thank you to the outgoing owner Vic Warner and family,

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