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Don’t touch this bunch with a barge pole. Apallling workmanship and service, I’ve never come across such a shoddy company and had the misfortune to use them recently for a bathroom refit. Had to use a second company to remedy the worse faults, including refitting of a shower valve incorrectly installed, fitting an illuminated mirror that they were incapable of installing (and not understanding the relevant regulations), repainting the ceiling within 3 months due to use of unsuitable non-moisture resisting paint (despite having queried this before-hand), tidying up some very shoddy plumbing work. To add to that, I had to refix the towel radiator which almost came off the wall due to a loose retention screw (a second retention fixing which should have been fitted was left off) and they couldn’t even fit the toilet roll holder without me having to retighten it to stop it falling off the wall. I don’t even want to revisit the tiling farce! Dreadful experience all round.

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