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I would not recommend this photographers at all. We had our wedding pictures taken two years ago using Jewell Harrison. The photographer asked us to e-mail a list of specific group shots we wanted to ensure he called up the right people on the day. Although mocking us for the e-mail saying our requests were the standard group shots he would take anyway, he failed to gather the right people together on the actual day mainly due to the fact he came alone. I feel bringing an assistant would have been much more appropriate. We ended up with lots of photographs of guests standing around in the background. I was also surprised that after being told our negatives would be available after a years time that Jewell Harrison have ignored ALL e-mails I have sent enquiring about collection. We were also promised two canvases of our wedding that were used at exhibitions. After two years, I have had no response. We spent a small fortune on our photographs and expected a lot more. I also thought it very bad they offer no discounted re-prints for family members. Go elsewhere.

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