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Be prepared to part with your money. Seriously these guys will look to extract every last £££ that they can from you which, if provided with a good service, you might at least begin to understand. Be particularly careful if you are a tenant leaving a property! They will try to charge you £100 to have some crumbs removed from kitchen cupboards, a wipe down of the oven door, a re-clean of a small kitchen floor and the removal of a few weeds from the garden. And they will try to convince you that £100 is an actual quote and not just a magical number that has been plucked from the air. Then when you disagree with them and ask how they arrived at this 'quote' then they will not answer and leave you with no easy way to regain your deposit. And all this after they failed to even attend my check out appointment at the house. That's service for you!

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